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Dental Crown
Massapequa, NY

Diagram of dental crowns with varying placement.Dental crowns are recommended to restore a broken tooth, cover a tooth with a large filling that needs to be strengthened, to attach a dental bridge, or to protect a weak tooth. Dental crowns also cover badly discolored teeth, poorly shaped teeth, and dental implants. A dental crown has many benefits, from appearance to retaining functionality of the tooth. Please visit our office at Detailed Dental Care to learn how we can help you get a crown that blends perfectly with your teeth.

Dental Crown Procedure

A crown placement requires two visits to our dental office. During the first visit, x-rays are taken, and the tooth is examined. If necessary, a root canal will be performed. The tooth will be filed to accommodate the crown. An impression of the tooth will be made, using a putty or paste that will hold the shape of the tooth to be created. The putty is smoothed over the area of the tooth and when it dries it is pulled away.

At this point other details important to making the crown are noted. These include the natural color and fit of the tooth. It is imperative for the color of the crown to match the surrounding teeth. The impression will be sent to a lab, where the crown will be created. It takes about two weeks for the crown to be returned to the dentist.

At the end of the first visit a temporary crown will be placed over the tooth to protect it until the permanent crown is ready.

At the second visit, the temporary crown will be removed, and the new permanent crown cemented over your tooth. We will check to ensure the color and fit of the crown are correct. The crown is placed over the tooth and if any adjustments are needed they are made prior to cementing the crown in place.

With proper dental hygiene and regular dental examinations, a crown can last for up to 10 years. Maintenance is the same as your natural teeth.

Uses for Dental Crowns

Crowns and Bridges

If you have a couple of teeth missing, one of the best ways to restore your smile is to get a dental bridge. For this bridge to stay in place it needs a strong support structure. A dental crown over the tooth on either side of the bridge will hold the bridge in place, and prevent it from moving.

Crowns Help Hold A Dental Filling in Place

If you have had a dental procedure that required a lot of filling, leaving a thin, weak tooth, a crown will cover the tooth and protect the filling.

After a Root Canal

Dental crowns after root canal procedures are important to reinforce the tooth and protect its natural structure.

Strengthens A Dental Implant

Dental crowns can also be used over a dental implant to match your natural teeth. If you have completely lost a tooth along with the root then a dental implant is a good solution.

To learn more about dental crowns and how they can benefit you, please give us a call at (516) 875-6774 or visit us at Detailed Dental Care.

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Dental Crown • Dentist Massapequa, NY
Dental crowns are recommended to restore a broken tooth, or cover a tooth with a large filling that needs to be strengthened. Give us a call today!
Detailed Dental Care - Dr Nancy Amoia, 708 Broadway Ste 1, Massapequa, NY 11758, (516) 875-6774,, 9/3/2024, Page Keywords: dentist Massapequa NY,